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  • 书名:英语写作基础教程(第3版)
  • 作者:丁往道 吴冰
  • 出版社: 高等教育出版社
  • 图书书号/ISBN: 9787040320107
  • 出版日期: 2011年5月
  • 定价:¥34.0元
  • 本店价:¥34.0元(10 折 省0元)
  • 商品状态: 现货
  • 用户评价:
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  • 所有课程:  自学考试教材  自考通试卷  自考通辅导  一考通题库  华职同步训练  华职试卷
  • 图书简介


     Chapter 1 Manuscript Form and Punctuation
    1 Manuscript Form
    1. Arrangement
    2. Word Division
    3. Capitalization
    4. Handwriting
    2 Punctuation
    1. The Comma(,)
    2. The Period(.)
    3. The Semicolon(;)
    4. The Colon(:)
    5. The Question Mark(?)
    6. The Exclamation Mark(!)
    7. Quotation Marks("...")
    8. Parentheses / Brackets((...))
    9. Square Brackets([...])
    10. The Dash(——)
    11. The Slash(/)
    12. Underlining and Italics
    Keys for Reference
    Chapter 2 Using Proper Words
    1 Types of Words
    2 Choice of Words
    3 Synonyms
    Some Good Dictionaries
    Keys for Reference
    Chapter 3 Making Correct and Effective Sentences
    1 Correct Sentences
    1. Completeness in Structure
    2. The Right Subject
    3. Agreement Between the Subject and the Predicate Verb
    Chapter 4 Developing Paragraphs
    Chapter 5 Summarizing
    Chapter 6 Composing Essays
    Chapter 7 Writing for Practical Purposes
    Chapter 8 Preparing Research Papers