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10664英语口语 英语初级口语-自学考试指定教材

  • 书名:10664英语口语 英语初级口语-自学考试指定教材
  • 作者:吴祯福 等
  • 出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
  • 图书书号/ISBN: 9787560008189
  • 出版日期: 2002年6月
  • 定价:¥24.9元
  • 本店价:¥24.9元(10 折 省0元)
  • 商品状态: 现货
  • 用户评价:
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  • 所有课程:  自学考试教材  自考通试卷  自考通辅导  一考通题库  华职同步训练  华职试卷
  • 图书简介


    Lesson 1 Text A HOW old Is She?
    Text B Could I Speak to Jim.Please?
    Lesson 2 Text A But the Chinese Did!
    Text B At the Birthday Party
    Lesson 3 Text A There Is Something Very Nice Inside Your Drum
    Text B May I See a Hat.Please?
    Lesson 4 Text A Whats the Matter with You?
    Text B How Did You Lose Your Way?
    Lesson 5 Text A Summer Plans
    Text B My Dishwasher
    Lesson 6 Text A How to Make Everybody Happy?
    Text B What Would You Like to Do Tonight?
    Lesson 7 Text A After a Heavy Snowstorm
    Text B No Baseball Today
    Lesson 8 Text A Please Set the Table
    Text B Interesting Pictures
    Lesson 9 Text A Stop Eating Fried Potatoes
    Text B KeeD Him in Bed
    Lesson 10 Text A A Beautiful Dress
    Text B Which Bus Shall I Take?
    Lesson 11 Text A A Visit to Conway Castle
    Text B What Are You Going to Do?
    Lesson 12 Text A What a Mess!
    Text B A Tall and Slim Girl
    Lesson 13 Text A Gire Me a Big Box of Chocolates
    Text B You Are Too Young to Buy Alcohol
    Lesson 14 Text A They Don't Talk
    Text B A Dirty Car
    Lesson 15 Text A A Welcome Surprise
    Text B I'11 Start in Three Months Time
    Lesson 16 Text A The Charcoal Pit
    Text B There Is Hope for Us!
    Lesson 17 Text A The Country Schoolhouse
    Text B On a Camping Holiday
    Lesson 18 Text A Christmas Cards
    Text B New Year Resolutions
    Lesson 19 Text A A Lesson to Learn
    Text B What's Going on Here?
    Lesson 20 Text A Honesty
    Text B Can You Deliver It?
    Lesson 21 Text A Bill Is Very Rude
    Text B The Phone Rang Again!
    Lesson 22 Text A If I Don't Do Anything Else
    Text B I'll Find My Way
    Lesson 23 Text A Would You Like a Shave or a Haircut?
    Text B What Do the Romans Do?
    Lesson 24 Text A At Christmas Time
    Text B What Do You Do After Work?
    Lesson 25 Text A A Ten-Dollar Bill
    Text B A Baby-Sitter
    Lesson 26 Text A What Are the Times of Meals?
    Text B The Food Is Bad
    Lesson 27 Text A The Shopping List
    Text B Under a Terrible Strain
    Lesson 28 Text A Where to Find a Listener?
    Text B Don't Throw Paper on the Floor
    Lesson 29 Text A Some Sausage Sandwiches
    Text B Whieh of the Two Is Better?
    Lesson 30 Text A The Bloody Thumb
    Text B The Party
    Lesson 3l Text A A Difficult Customer
    Text B That Hurts a Lot
    Lesson 32 Text A A Pocketful of Pigs
    Text B Let's Play Chess
    Lesson 33 Text A We Are Not Deaf!
    Text B The Stolen Smells
    Lesson 34 Text A Stage Fright
    Text B I Shall Never Fly Again
    Lesson 35 Text A A Proud Linguist
    Text B What Am I Going to Do?
    Lesson 36 Text A Three Wishes
    Text B They Threatened Me with a Knife
    Lesson 37 Text A Do You Know Wh0 I Am?
    Text B Hands Up!
    Lesson 38 Text A Can't She Type?
    Text B A Quiz on General Knowledge
    Lesson 39 Text A MY Father's Son
    Text B The Wrong Sex or the Wrong Clothes?
    Lesson 40 Text A Learn to Eat 1ike a Grown-up
    Text B A Red Cross Nurse