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10100英国文学选读 英国文学史及选读(第1、2册)重排版 吴伟仁 外语教学与研究出版社--自学考试指定教材

  • 书名:10100英国文学选读 英国文学史及选读(第1、2册)重排版 吴伟仁 外语教学与研究出版社--自学考试指定教材
  • 作者:吴伟仁
  • 出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
  • 图书书号/ISBN: 9787513531719
  • 出版日期: 2013年7月 重排版
  • 定价:¥60.0元
  • 本店价:¥60.0元(10 折 省0元)
  • 商品状态: 现货
  • 用户评价:
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  • 所有课程:  自学考试教材  自考通试卷  自考通辅导  一考通题库  华职同步训练  华职试卷
  • 图书简介



    《英国文学史及选读》,是河北师范大学吴伟仁教授编写的一套经典文学教材,分为一、二两册,自1988年出版以来,迄今已重印十余次,受到广大读者的一致称赞。本教材充分考虑英语专业文学教学的实际需求,通过“史”、“选” 结合的方式将英国文学内容进行了全面梳理和系统讲解,在高等学校英语专业尤其是专攻英美文学的师生中有着广泛而深远的影响。此次重排版对封面和版式进行了全新设计,使之更加清晰美观。







    Part Ⅰ The Middle Ages 
    Chapter1 The Anglo-Saxon Period 
    Chapter2 The Anglo-Norman Period 
    Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 
    Chapter 3 Geoffrey Chaucer 
    The Canterbury Tales 
    Chapter 4 Popular Ballads 
    Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale 
    Get Up and Bar the Door 
    Sir Patrick Spens 
    Part Ⅱ The Renaissance 
    Chapter 5 William Shakespeare 
    The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark 
    The Merchant of Venice 
    Sonnet 18 
    Sonnet 29 
    Sonnet 106 
    Chapter 6 Francis Bacon 
    Of Studies 
    Part Ⅲ The Period of Revolution and Restoration 
    Chapter 7 John Donne 
    A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning 
    Death Be Not Proud 
    Chapter 8 John Milton 
    Paradise Lost 
    On His Blindness 
    On His Deceased Wife 
    Chapter 9 John Bunyan 
    The Pilgrim's Progress 
    Part Ⅳ The Age of Enligtenment 
    Chapter 10 Daniel Defoe 
    Robinson Crusoe 
    Chapter 11 Jonathan Swift 
    Gulliver's Travels 
    A Modest Proposal 
    Chapter 12 Joseph Addison 
    Sir Roger at Church 
    Sir Roger at the Assizes 
    Chapter 13 Henry Fielding 
    The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling 
    Chapter 14 Thomas Gray 
    Elegy Written in a Country churchyard 
    Chapter 15 Oliver Goldsmith 
    The Vicar of Wakefield 
    Chapter 16 Richard Brinsley Sheridan 
    The School for Scandal 
    Chapter 17 William Blake 
    The Tyger 
    The Chimney Sweeper 
    Chapter 18 Robert Burns 
    My Heart's in the Highlands 
    John Anderson, My Jo 
    A Red, Red Rose 
    To a Mouse 
    Auld Lang Syne



    Part Ⅴ The Romantic Period 
    Chapter 19 William Wordsworth 
    Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey 
    She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways 
    I Travelled among Unknown Men 
    I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 
    Sonnet: Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 
    Sonnet: London, 1802 
    The Solitary Reaper 
    Chapter 20 George Gordon, Lord Byron 
    When We Two Parted 
    She Walks in Beauty 
    Sonnet on Chillon 
    Childe Harold's Pilgrimage: A Romaunt 
    Don Juan 
    Chapter 21 Percy Bysshe Shelley 
    A Song: "Men of England" 
    Ode to the West Wind 
    The Cloud 
    To a Sky-Lark 
    Chapter 22 John Keats 
    On First Looking into Chapman's Homer 
    Ode to a Nightingale 
    Ode on a Grecian Urn 
    To Autumn 
    Bright Star 
    Chapter 23 Walter Scott 
    Rob Roy 
    Chapter 24 lane Austen 
    Pride and Prejudice 
    Chapter 25 Charles Lamb 
    Dream-Children: A Reverie 
    Poor Relations 
    Part Ⅵ The Victorian Age 
    Chapter 26 Charles Dickens 
    The Posthumous Papers of the 
    Pickwick Club 
    Oliver Twist 
    Chapter 27 William Makepeace Thackeray 
    Vanity Fair: A Novel without a Hero 
    Chapter 28 George Eliot 
    Adam Bede 
    Chapter 29 Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte 
    Jane Eyre 
    Wuthering Heights 
    Chapter 30 Thomas Hood 
    The Song of the Shirt 
    The Bridge of Sighs 
    Chapter 31 Alfred, Lord Tennyson 
    Break, Break, Break 
    Crossing the Bar 
    Chapter 32 Robert Browning 
    My Last Duchess 
    Home-Thoughts, from Abroad 
    Chapter 33 Elizabeth Barrett Browning 
    Sonnets from the Portuguese (21; 22; 32; 43) 
    PartⅦ The 20th Century 
    Chapter 34 Thomas Hardy 
    Tess of the D'Urbervilles 
    The Son's Veto 
    Chapter 35 John Galsworthy 
    The Forsyte Saga 
    The Man of Property 
    Chapter 36 Oscar Wilde 
    The Picture of Dorian Gray 
    Chapter 37 George Bernard Shaw 
    Mrs Warrens Profession 
    Chapter 38 D.H. Lawrence 
    Sons and Lovers 
    Chapter 39 Virginia Woolf 
    Mrs Dalloway 
    Chapter 40 James Joyce 